Scrawny Kid Beats Ferocious Warrior

When you are called to do a task that is in God's plan for you, the outcome will be a success because the battle is the Lord's. The key is choosing the project God is calling you to do. We can find answers in the battle between David and Goliath.

Think of the young old testament David when he showed up to bring his brothers supplies. His brothers were at Israel's camp to battle the Philistines. David shows up at the camp to find the Israelite soldiers hiding because a huge philistine warrior is taunting them. Challenging them to fight. Winner takes all and the looser and their nation will be enslaved.  

David is furious that no one will standup to this joker. Not even king Saul!

What's going on here?  The entire army of Israel is paralyzed.

Know you are in a Battle. Fight to win.

When David shows up, zeal for the God of Israel moves him to action. David has no tolerance for the blaspheming giant. He tells the King I'm going to go fight this guy. The king let David fight because he saw providence guiding David.(I'm sure the fact he had no other choice helped too:)

Meanwhile, the king is trying to get David to fight the way the king would fight: with armor, etc. but David knows he has to do it his way. The way he was trained since he was a youth. If he was going to slay this Goliath it was not going to be like a warrior, but like a shepherd. And shepherds know how to deal with prowling beast looking for sheep to devour.

Ask Yourself

Do you have ZEAL for God's Kingdom?

If no or yes, ask Our Lady to give you a huge zeal for her Son. BTW, It is already within you. Awaken it more!

Do you know what it means to fight like a shepherd and beat Goliath with the element of surprise?

The shepherd tactic is so powerful and brilliant you can tell your opponent your plan and they can not fight against it . . . unless they have a humble and contrite heart. And if that happens they will be fighting with you. So pray also for a humble and contrite heart and God will not spurn you, but will enlighten you with a transformed mind to confuse and confound your enemy.

If you ponder this in prayer your level of confidence will go through the roof! Not because you are all that and a bag of chips, but because you will profoundly realize the Creator of the Universe is blazing you a trail. With a humble and contrite heart David tells Goliath, 'You're going down because God is with me'. When you give your talents to God this same glorious result awaits your film.

How not to be like David's Brothers

They had so many plans, ideas, and fears of failure that they did nothing. I'm not downplaying what was at risk. The risk was huge. But God is huger! (is huger a word?)

First off don't hide behind planning your project.

If you over plan you will never get to your project. And this is a tactic of the devil to slow you down or stop you.

Second don't jump in without planning.

This usually leads to incomplete projects. Another tactic from the evil one.

We all have a tendency towards one or the other, so practice striking a balance. Remember practice is uncomfortable. Know which one is your tendency and fight against it. This is one benefit of being in the Lumen Institute. Your peers are there to support you.

In the video above I share an embarrassing example of my experience with a project where I was more like David's brother than David. It's at 6:08  


Knowing how to hear God's voice takes practice. This practice will grow your heart to be humble and contrite.

Here is your exercise:

When you get in your car, ask the Lord which way he wants you to go. Then listen and see if you can discern which voice is His and then go that way, even if it does not make sense.  More details @ 11:50 in the podcast.

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But it's not free.
It will cost you time.
This process will require humility before God.
This process will require you to keep growing in Christ.

At this point I have some questions for you. Then if it seems like a good fit we'll set up an intro call.