This is the balm!
Rub it in why don't ya?!
You can go back and listen to them any time in the Lumen Library.
Some of these Real wise guys share how they sought sanctity while being an expert in their field.
Back in the 1500s there was so much heresy going on, the church hired artists to make sacred art that taught the truth.
Guys like Michelangelo, were guided by theologians and funded by patrons, to focus on evangelization.
These efforts brought about a magnificent Catholic Restoration.
Join this glorious renaissance awaiting you Catholic filmmaker.
Film is perhaps the most powerful medium in today’s culture and this battleground has to be reclaimed for Christ
Rub it in why don't ya?!
"The industry is so egocentric. They don't like outsiders. And want the values of the industry known."
It is a game changer. It's simple to say but not easy to do. I've spent over 20 years learning how.
And now I am devoting 100% of my time to teaching other Catholic filmmakers, like you, how to become like David and defeat the Goliath of Hollywood.
Imagine filling cinemas and home movie nights with films that transform and delight viewers towards Christ.
That's what you and I are gonna do.
the fruit will be a Catholic Film Renaissance.
I'm more interested in helping you, because to win the culture for Christ we need 100s of fantastic Catholic movies.
I want to help you evangelize through your films.
For a limited time the weekly content, community access, & mentoring calls is $0. Yes ZERO DOLLARS.
But it's not free.
It will cost you time.
This process will require humility before God.
This process will require you to keep growing in Christ.
At this point I have some questions for you. Then if it seems like a good fit we'll set up an intro call.