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Independent Filmmaking can be like the early day voyages across the Atlantic.
It starts with a nice send off from a safe harbor. And before you know it you're in deep waters.
When the crew is exhausted, supplies are rationed, and there's no land in sight, Mutiny is in the air.
But make no mistake you are call to "Go out to the Deep"
First what do I mean by mutiny by a crew on film
It happens when the crew's expectations are higher than the reality of the project.
When crew think they are not getting taken care of they become restless.
Before anyone boards your project,
you need to make promises to them and keep them.
For example.
Be very clear on the pay. overtime, prep days, wrap days, be clear
If you say it will be a 10 hr day then stick to it. Every time you stretch the day you loose credibility.
Open communication is one of the best ways to avoid mutiny. So take time to communicate early and often.
I can't do this topic justice in a blog. To go deeper we need to connect and come together for the glory of God.
Pray that people will have generous hearts and fund this renaissance.
Unite with other Catholic Filmmakers like you.