Distribution without compromise

Plan on working hard and know God will guide you.

Are you sure you should be doing this?

I've had enough projects go well and others bad, that I'm no longer interested in doing a film unless God wants me to do it.

Are you being honest with yourself?

Walking with Christ is a simple concept, but our pride makes it difficult to do. And think about the publicity involved with releasing a film...

Is it going to inflate your pride or deflate it? Yes! It's rhetorical. Such a public display can be a huge challenge to walk humbly. But such a Bold witness of your faith will be a big blessing for the body of Christ.

Being BOLD for Christ and walking in HUMILITY takes practice.

The perfect mix is probably called MEAKNESS.

I'm sharing subtle points here that I think make all the difference in your approach.

Knowing when to release your film on 2000+ screens and when to distribute in a less glamourous way takes a keen sense of docility to the voice of God.

First. don't make that decision alone. Do the pre-screenings reveal the film is worth it? Do you have enough marketing funds behind you? It's very easy to convince ourselves we do when in actuality we do not.

Second. If your film is not ready. Then get it ready. Or start again walking in meekness with the goal to make a beautiful film for God.

If you journey with Christ all the way, distribution will naturally follow.

Compromise is fine when it's not a moral issue

That seems obvious. but it's worth writing about. my English teacher says not to start a sentence with a preposition. And I think that is a very good rule.


We live in a world surrounded by 4 walls. And those walls make up theater halls. . .  Who would not want to have a movie that is a major blockbuster release? A hermit? No you are called to a public display of the Truth, Jesus Christ.

But in Christ's mathematics, Box office Success does not equal spiritual success. But it is a welcomed runner up. Remember Mother Teresa. Her Sisters were block busters in a way. They went around the block busting the dying out of their lonely dilemma. And when the sisters requested that they needed to get more work done, Mother Teresa agreed. But instead of cutting pray time to do it, she added an hour of prayer time. That is a completely different outlook on how to properly get stuff done.

Remember, what I am proposing is a radical shift from the way Hollywood does things. Remember it's typical for businesses to make it hard for other companies to compete. So stay in the King David frame of mind to reach success.

You can't witness to Christ unless you have an opportunity to do so.
remember this gut punch moment?

Our natural disposition as humans is to seek the easiest way to do something. Most of us avoid tension in relationships when possible. This is our human nature.

But you are not called to settle for human nature. You are called to be more like Christ. More supernatural. In prudence, St. Thomas More sought a way out, but stood strong when confronted to witness to Christ.

Tension helps us reach this higher calling. Conflict gives us the opportunity to act like Christ. If you are not willing to stick to your principals under pressure, then you will look like Sr. Richard Rich in the above shot from the movie A Man For All Seasons. In that scene Thomas More was betrayed by Richard. Richard lied under oath, so that he could be a top dog in Wales. He sold out. But take another look at that picture of Thomas and Richard. Thomas may be sitting and on trial, but he has Richard by the neck. God help Richard because he is on his way to look like this gloomy chap.

This corrupt cardinal looks as miserable on the outside as he is on the inside.

And check out the eye line on this shot.

King Henry is looking up to Thomas Moore

When you stand up for what is true, good, and beautiful your opponent will not tell you that they are inspired by the virtue God is working through you, but they are. Let there be no doubt, it is the Lord that gives you the strength to stand up. On our own we are no better than The Duke, The Cardinal, or The King.

The Distribution of your film is an opportunity to witness to Jesus.

God's grace waits for you. He patiently waits for you to take Him up on the offer to be an immense lion. The gift is not just for you, but for those whom will be drawn closer to Jesus because of your meekness.


Pray for the grace you need to be courageous like King David. Don't wait for it to be injected like Captain America and his steroid cocktail, but pray and then act. Step out in faith. Step out in humility. Step out in the confidence Christ gives you. This confidence is based in the Hope of your eternal destiny won for you by the death and resurrection of Christ. Practice praying and stepping out. You, like all of us, will step out poorly in the beginning. But with practice, there will be no difference between you and St. Thomas or Mother Teresa.

If you want to talk about your distribution situation, join the Catholic film renaissance below.

I can't do this topic justice in a blog. To go deeper we need to connect and come together for the glory of God.

Unite with other Catholic Filmmakers like you.

If you're willing to put in the time.

I want to help you evangelize through your films.

For a limited time the weekly content, community access, & mentoring calls is $0. Yes ZERO DOLLARS.

But it's not free.
It will cost you time.
This process will require humility before God.
This process will require you to keep growing in Christ.

At this point I have some questions for you. Then if it seems like a good fit we'll set up an intro call.