Join with other Catholic Filmmakers like you.

Your faith makes you a better filmmaker.

Pay it forward.

Help us spread the message of life with another family by paying it forward. Pay it forward.

Back in the 1500s there was so much heresy going on, the church hired artists to make sacred art that taught the truth.

Guys like Michelangelo, were guided by theologians and funded by patrons, to focus on evangelization.
These efforts brought about a magnificent Catholic Restoration.


However, this same glorious renaissance awaits Catholic filmmakers.  

Film is perhaps the most powerful medium in today’s culture and this battleground has to be reclaimed for Christ

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Recently a successful Hollywood insider shared with me,

"The industry is so egocentric. They don't like outsiders. And want the values of the industry known."

Are your spidey senses going off when you read that? They should. To clarify & put it lightly the values of the industry are not Christian based.


I'm calling out the filmmaking saint Christ wants you to be.

I admit Jesus has and can work through any film He wants.

BUT what will He do if we intentionally involve him in every aspect of the process?

It is a game changer. It's simple to say but not easy to do. I've spent over 20 years learning how.

And now I am devoting 100% of my time to teaching other Catholic filmmakers, like you, how to become like David and defeat the Goliath of Hollywood.

Imagine filling cinemas and home movie nights with films that transform and delight viewers towards Christ.
That's what you and I are gonna do.

– Brian Shields

No longer bearded Founder of Lumen

We don't compromise morals just to make a movie.

the fruit will be a Catholic Film Renaissance.

‍‍If you do the same Christ will give you the strength to Defeat the Goliath of Hollywood.


Here's How it works.

Every Tuesday, join me for the “LUMEN CREW” Podcast where you'll be introduced to our 7-point process so you can consistently create motion pictures that transmit the blessing of Jesus Christ to the audience.

You can go back and listen to them any time in the Lumen Library.

Some of these Real wise guys share how they sought sanctity while being an expert in their field.

Script Dr.

Mentoring Thursdays

not for the faint of heart
This is where we can talk about how to apply the process to your work or project. Seeking holiness in your film work takes great vigilance, and the benefits are so worth it. Unless you're a hermit we're called to unite on this rollercoaster ride.


This is the balm!

Rub it in why don't ya?!

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Our annual conference & Quarterly Events

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You have the same goal. Get creating.

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An annual trip for the Love of Christ.

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Ask for a shirt you'll get a coat as well.

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The Podcasts, Shorts, Specials

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1 on 1

Let's get you to your next step.

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Hola, my name is Brian and I've been in the film industry since I was 15.
Just look at me. That was a long time ago. Many of those white hairs were earned in the motion picture world.
I've been on set with enough Oscar winners to learn a thing or two. Firstly, they have passion. Secondly, they preserver.

If your main goal is to get rich, this is not for you.

If you are looking for a short cut to success, look somewhere else.

If you're willing to give God the glory, we should talk.

2008 A.D.
I held our first Catholic film camp.

2024 A.D.
Lumen starts to share our refined process with experienced Catholic filmmakers.

This process transmits the blessing of Jesus Christ to the audience.

You're not alone.

It's a big relief to work with likeminded people.
Caleb has found them in the Lumen Institute.
Here, we are
Here we are striving for holiness through our work.
"What has helped me, when thinking about this, it to remind myself that we (Christian film makers) have to make films a completely different way. Not saying we don't use cameras and lights but the very way you approach the film, the story from the roots up is different. We are trying not to think like man but like God. While Hollywood is concerned with numbers, rating, actors, money and keeping Black Rock happy we Christians must be concerned with following our vocation as film makers for God.
Your life is in the hands of God and has always been, so why try to jump out of his hands in order to "do something great for him" let him guide you, let him place you right where you need to be."

White Hair blessings

I'm more interested in helping you, because to win the culture for Christ we need 100s of fantastic Catholic movies.

Brown haired Brian

White haired Brian

Screen writing was a mystery
Great script writing is achievable & repeatable
Tried to do it all.
Learned the balance of prayer & work
Protective of creative ideas
God gave me this gift to share
Frustrated with God's way
Christ's Way is genius & efficient
Limited by resources
God provides exactly what the film needs
Am I wasting my time evangelizing?
There is an amazing plan in play

If you're willing to put in the time.

I want to help you evangelize through your films.

For a limited time the weekly content, community access, & mentoring calls is $0. Yes ZERO DOLLARS.

But it's not free.
It will cost you time.
This process will require humility before God.
This process will require you to keep growing in Christ.

At this point I have some questions for you. Then if it seems like a good fit we'll set up an intro call.
